1. Okouchi M, Ekshyyan O, Maracine M, Aw TY. Neuronal apoptosis in neurodegeneration. Antioxid Redox Signal. (Review) Antioxid Redox Signal. 9:1059-1096, 2007.
1. Okouchi M, Ekshyyan O, Maracine M, Aw TY. Neuronal apoptosis in neurodegeneration. Antioxid Redox Signal. (Review) Antioxid Redox Signal. 9:1059-1096, 2007.
1. 大河内 昌弘 血糖コントロール不良な2型糖尿病患者における持続性エキセナチドの長期的効果の検討-高齢者の検討を中心に- Therapeutic Research vol. 36 no. 11, 2015
2. 松久宗英、河盛隆造、浅野昭道、綾目秀夫、家光浩太郎、池淵元祥、石丸安明、伊藤景樹、大河内 昌弘、大橋博他(VISION研究会)DPP-4阻害剤ビルダグリプチンの臨床効果―市販後使用経験の集積データ分析―. J. New Rem. & Clin.(新薬と臨床) Vol.60 No10 Page 18-29. 2011.
3. 松久宗英、河盛隆造、浅野昭道、綾目秀夫、家光浩太郎、池淵元祥、石丸安明、伊藤景樹、大河内 昌弘、大橋博他(VISION研究会)DPP-4阻害剤ビルダグリプチンの臨床効果(第2報)―既治療薬の変更・減量での効果―. J. New Rem. & Clin.(新薬と臨床) Vol.60 No10 Page 30-37. 2011.
4. 松久宗英、河盛隆造、浅野昭道、綾目秀夫、家光浩太郎、池淵元祥、石丸安明、伊藤景樹、大河内 昌弘、大橋博他(VISION研究会)DPP-4阻害剤ビルダグリプチンの臨床効果(第3報)―単独投与およびスルフォニルウレア薬との併用投与の成績―. J. New Rem. & Clin.(新薬と臨床) Vol.60 No10 Page 38-46. 2011.
5. 早川富博, 大野恒夫, 大河内昌弘, 滝みつ子, 福富達也, 鈴木祥子, 宮本忠壽, 丹村敏則, 岡田美智子, 大谷和弥, 河野哲也. 糖尿病患者における発芽玄米摂取による糖・脂質代謝への影響 共済エグザミナー通信26号 Page1-9 (2010.04)
6. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Aw TY. Preservation of Cellular Glutathione Status and Mitochondrial Membrane Potential by N-Acetylcysteine and Insulin Sensitizers Prevent Carbonyl Stress-Induced Human Brain Endothelial Cell Apoptosis. Curr Neurovasc Res. 6: 267-278, 2009.
7. Kimura R, Okouchi M, Fujioka H, Ichiyanagi A, Ryuge F, Mizuno T, Imaeda K, Okayama N, Kamiya Y, Asai K, Joh T. Glucagon-like peptide 1 protects against methylglyoxal-induced pheochromocytoma cell apoptosis through the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin/catalytic glutamate-l-cysteine ligase/redox signaling pathway. Neuroscience. 162:1212-1219 2009.
8. 早川富博,鈴木祥子,福富達也,井出 正芳,大野恒夫,大河内 昌弘,多気 みつ子,宮本忠壽,丹村敏則,岡田美智子 糖尿病患者における発芽玄米摂取による糖・脂質代謝への影響. 日本農村医学会雑誌. 58: 438-446, 2009.
9. Wada T, Sasaki M, Kataoka H, Ogasawara N, Kanematsu T, Tanida S, Nojiri S, Ando T, Okochi M, Joh T. Gastroesophageal and laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms correlate with histopathologic inflammation of the upper and lower esophagus. J Clin Gastroenterol. 43:249-252, 2009.
10. Takeuchi Y, Okayama N, Imaeda K, Okouchi M, Omi H, Imai S, Akao M, Takeda Y, Hukutomi T, Itoh M. Effects of histamine 2 receptor antagonists on endothelial-neutrophil adhesion and surface expression of endothelial adhesion molecules induced by high glucose levels. J Diabetes Complications. 21:50-55 2007.
11. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Alexander JS, Aw TY. Nrf2-dependent glutamate-L-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit expression mediates insulin protection against hyperglycemia-induced brain endothelial cell apoptosis. Curr Neurovasc Res. 3:249-261, 2006.
12. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Aw TY. Hyperglycemia potentiates carbonyl stress-induced apoptosis in naive PC-12 cells: Relationship to cellular redox and activator protease factor-1 expression. Curr Neurovasc Res. 2:375-386, 2005.
13. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Aw TY. Differential susceptibility of naive and differentiated PC-12 cells to methylglyoxal-induced apoptosis: influence of cellular redox. Curr Neurovasc Res. 2:13-22, 2005.
14. Hirata F, Yoshida M, Niwa Y, Okouchi M, Okayama N, Takeuchi Y, Itoh M, Ogura Y. Insulin enhances leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion in the retinal microcirculation through surface expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1. Microvasc Res. 69:135-141, 2005.
15. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Omi H, Imaeda K, Fukutomi T, Nakamura A, Itoh M.The antidiabetic agent, gliclazide, reduces high insulin-enhanced neutrophil-transendothelial migration through direct effects on the endothelium. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 20:232-238, 2004.
16. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Omi H, Imaeda K, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. Protective actions of gliclazide on high insulin-enhanced neutrophil-endothelial cell interactions through inhibition of mitogen activated protein kinase and protein kinase C pathways. Microvasc Res. 67:1-8, 2004.
17. Imaeda K, Okayama N, Okouchi M, Omi H, Kato T, Akao M, Imai S, Uranishi H, Takeuchi Y, Ohara H, Fukutomi T, Joh T, Itoh M. Effects of insulin on the acetylcholine-induced hyperpolarization in the guinea pig mesenteric arterioles. J Diabetes Complications. 18:356-362, 2004.
18. Omi H, Okayama N, Shimizu M, Fukutomi T, Nakamura A, Imaeda K, Okouchi M, Itoh M. Cilostazol inhibits high glucose-mediated endothelial-neutrophil adhesion by decreasing adhesion molecule expression via NO production. Microvasc Res. 68:119-125, 2004.
19. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Omi H, Imaeda K, Shimizu M, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. Cerivastatin ameliorates high insulin-enhanced neutrophil-endothelial cell adhesion and endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression by inhibiting mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. J Diabetes Complications. 17:380-386, 2003.
20. Omi H, Okayama N, Shimizu M, Fukutomi T, Imaeda K, Okouchi M, Itoh M. Statins inhibit high glucose-mediated neutrophil-endothelial cell adhesion through decreasing surface expression of endothelial adhesion molecules by stimulating production of endothelial nitric oxide. Microvasc Res. 65:118-124, 2003.
21. Itoh M, Omi H, Okouchi M, Imaeda K, Shimizu M, Fukutomi T, Okayama N. The mechanisms of inhibitory actions of gliclazide on neutrophils-endothelial cells adhesion and surface expression of endothelial adhesion molecules mediated by a high glucose concentration. J Diabetes Complications.17:22-26, 2003.
22. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Imai S, Omi H, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. High insulin enhances neutrophil transendothelial migration through increasing surface expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 via activation of mitogen activated protein kinase. Diabetologia. 45:1449-1456, 2002.
23. Okouchi M, Okayama N, Shimizu M, Omi H, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. High insulin exacerbates neutrophil-endothelial cell adhesion through endothelial surface expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 via activation of protein kinase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase. Diabetologia. 45:556-559, 2002.
24. Okayama N, Omi H, Okouchi M, Imaeda K, Kato T, Akao M, Imai S, Shimizu M, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. Mechanisms of inhibitory activity of the aldose reductase inhibitor, epalrestat, on high glucose-mediated endothelial injury: neutrophil-endothelial cell adhesion and surface expression of endothelial adhesion molecules. J Diabetes Complications. 16:321-6, 2002.
25. Omi H, Okayama N, Shimizu M, Okouchi M, Ito S, Fukutomi T, Itoh M. Participation of high glucose concentrations in neutrophil adhesion and surface expression of adhesion molecules on cultured human endothelial cells: effect of antidiabetic medicines. J Diabetes Complications. 16:201-208, 2002.
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27. 大河内昌弘、城卓志、佐々木誠人、鈴木英夫、妹尾恭司、横山善文、伊藤誠. 内視鏡的および組織学的逆流性食道炎と咽喉頭違和感との関連. Therapeutic research 21 (5), 2000.
28. 大河内昌弘、横山善文、岡山直司、佐々木誠人、妹尾恭司、城卓志、伊藤誠. 除菌療法が著効し長期間緩解を維持している表層型low-grade MALTリンパ腫. 胃と腸34巻11号Page1437-1444, 1999.